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Aca Capture Pro [keygen]

ACA Capture Pro 5.60 3 Mb
ACA Capture Pro screen is a useful capture utility which combines three popular products- at a great price.

ACA Capture Pro captures screens from standard desktop programs and even those hard-to-grab DirectX, Direct3D, 3Dfx Voodoo and Glide mode games, and it have many enhanced features: capture all flash file from web page, create videos of your computer screen(make AVI Video/Movie), capture any icons whatever from a file, a directory, or whole harddisk on your computer.

With ACA Capture Pro's many features, you can save time and enhance your screen shots.

ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) Features:

· IMAGE Capture: We perfected windows image capture and improve it with every release, such as full screen (include DirectX game screen), windows, object, ellipse, polygon, rectangle, menu...etc..
· WEB IMAGE Capture: ACA Capture can capture all images that appear on the web pages.
· WEB PAGE Capture: ACA Capture can capture a long web page to an image file, even if it scrolls off-screen.

ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) Requirements:

· Microsoft Internet Explore 5.0 or later version
· A mouse or other pointing device
· 100 MHz processor(400 MHz recommended)
· 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
· 10 MB of hard-disk space for program installing
· For Microsoft Office Document(Word, Excel, PowerPoint) output, the Microsoft Office 2000 or later version
· For mail output, a 32-bit MAPI mail client
· For printed output, a Windows-supported printer capable of printing bitmaps
· For audio recording and playback, a Windows-supported sound card and microphone

ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) Security Information

You cannot download any crack or serial number for ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal. There is no crack, serial number, hack or activation key for ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) present here. Our collection also doesn't contain any keygens, because keygen programs are being used in illegal way which we do not support. All software that you can find here is freely downloadable and legal.
ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) installation package is prepared to be downloaded from our fast download servers. It is checked for possible viruses and is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Various leading antiviruses have been used to test ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro), if it contains any viruses. No infections have been found and downloading ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) is completelly problem free because of that reason. Our experts on malware detection tested ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) with various spyware and malware detection programs, including custom malware and spyware detection, and absolutelly no malware or spyware was found in ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro).
All software that you can find on our servers, including ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro), is either freeware, shareware or open-source, some of the software packages are demo, trial or patch versions and if possible, we also host official full versions of software.

Because we want to be one of the fastest download sites on the web, we host all the software including ACA Capture Pro 5.60 (Aca Capture Pro) on our servers. You cannot find here any torrents or download links that would lead you to dangerous sites. does support free software, however we do not support warez or illegal downloads. Warez is harming producers of the software.
Untuk Mendapatkan Aca Capture silahkan download disini :
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